Juan Antonio Fernández Manzano

Juan Antonio Fernández Manzano
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Is a Philosophy Ph. D. with a dregree in Philosophy (extraordinary prize award) and a degree in English Philology at UCM. He has been teaching since 1988. At the moment he is a professor of Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, UCM. His research focuses on contemporary political philosophy, especially questions dealing with globalization, democracy, justice, State and human rights. He is the Managing Director of the Research Group "Ética, Política y Derechos Humanos en la Sociedad Tecnológica". He is the author of “Política para la globalización. La recuperación de lo político en la era global” (Ediciones Antígona, Madrid, 2014); “Un Estado global para un mundo plural” (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2014); "La crisis de la democracia representativa en España", en Gonzalez Rodriguez Arnaiz, G. (Coord) Razones para (con)vivir (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2015) and articles such as "Educación cívica y regeneración democrática", Sistema, vol. 239, Madrid, 2015, pp. 119-129.