Home > Vol 5, No 8 (2016): 185-226 > Llorente

Is Gianni Vattimo´s Nihilistic Hermeneutics Able to Rationally Justify its Latest Political Positions?

Jaime Llorente


The present study constitutes a critical examination of the possible aporias and theorical inconsistences in which Vattimo´s hermeneutical thought falls when it deduces the political and practical consequences implied by its ontological postulates. In particular, we will try to show in which measure the way itself in which hermeneutical ontology justifies its antirealist and antidescriptive positions, involves, in the public sphere, the taking of a hidden descriptive perspective that pursues, in the end, the legitimation of an objective practical-political option different from that supposedly derived from metaphysical realism.


Vattimo, hermeneutic communism, projectuality, advance of history, revolution


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