Home > Vol 6, No 10 (2017): 301-305 > Morán

Díaz de la Serna, Ignacio (2015). Los dioses llegaron tarde a Filadelfia. Una dimensión mitohistórica de la soberanía. Ciudad de México, México: Bonilla Artigas y Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte (UNAM). 148 pp.

Sabrina Morán


From the very moment of its irruption, the American revolution became an object of reflection for all those concerned about the socio-political organization of the then budding modernity. From Burke and Tocqueville to Arendt and Pocock, its philosophical-political foundations, the socio-historical context in which it broke out and the institutional engineering to which it gave rise, have not ceased to generate a vigorous interest, which in recent decades has been revitalized Notably in Latin America and the Caribbean. Los dioses llegaron tarde a Filadelfia. Una dimensión mitohistórica de la soberanía [The gods arrived late to Philadelphia. A mitohistorical dimension of the sovereignty] by Ignacio Díaz de la Serna, researcher at the Center for Research on North America of the UNAM, is part of this analytical line and invites us to review what happened in the second half of the eighteenth century, from a genealogical work that tries to trace "the buried meaning of the origin" of the representative government in the United States. With this aim, the author investigates both the philosophical-political principles that lie at the base of the mutation of the horizon of legitimacy of modern political regimes, and in the socio-historical conditions that made it possible.


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