Home > Vol 8, No 14 (2019): 35-54 > Blanco Cortina

The Justification of Freedom in John Stuart Mill. Reply to Some Criticism by Martha Nussbaum

David José Blanco Cortina


This paper aims to check some Nussbaum’s reviews, in Hiding from Humanity, about Mill’s conception of liberty. The analysis frame is given by constant tension between the utilitarian justification and the justification based on per se value of liberty. This article wants to support the following hypothesis: Millean liberty cannot be criticized for reducing its value to instrumental terms. On the contrary, in order to be loyal with Mill, liberty has a double justification: one based on its utilitarianism and another based on its intrinsic value. We use Bernard Williams’s suggestion about the intrinsic value of human goods for supporting the latter. He proposed an important criterion to demonstrate the intrinsic value: coherent relation with other values and other human necessities. Finally, the article briefly exposes the problem of coherence in Millean utilitarianism. 


Liberty; utilitarianism; intrinsic value; instrumental value; negative liberty

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