Home > Vol 6, No 11 (2017): 9-28 > Laleff Ilieff

Why Gramsci?

Ricardo Laleff Ilieff


In the present dossier introduction there will be outlined some questions about the accuracy of thinking current politics with Antonio Gramsci’s work. Within this framework, we will formulate a brief reflection about the characteristic problem of interwar period -the emergence of masses-, and also about some of the elements that arise with neoliberalism. Moreover, we will point out the existence of an analytic gap as a necessary condition for making Gramsci’s thought an always opened way to deal with today’s theoretical-political challenges.


irruption; mass; neoliberalism; individuation


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Gramsci, A., Gerratana, V. (Ed.). (1981-2000). Cuadernos de la cárcel (Vols. 1-6, A. M. Palos, Trad.). Ciudad de México, México: Era.

Gramsi, A. (1979). Sobre el fascismo. Ciudad de México, México: Era.

Laleff Ilieff, R. (2014). El avance de la despolitización. Notas sobre la guerra contemporánea a partir del pensamiento de Thomas Hobbes y Carl Schmitt. Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Política y Administración Pública, 12(20), 11-30.

Sorel, G. (2005). Reflexiones sobre la violencia. Madrid, MD: Alianza Editorial.


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