Home > Vol 4, No 6 (2015): 95-111 > Arrese Igor

Between the Recognition of the Other and the Formation Through Labour. Right and Market in the Fichte of the End of the 18th Century

Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor


Johann Gottlieb Fichte has developed a theory of property,which is meant to guarantee the right of citizens of a just state to existence.Right is understood in the Fichtean theory as an unavoidable conditionof self-consciousness, insofar as it consists in the self-attribution of thecapability to act in the sensible world.

As Fichte mistrusts the free market economy in order to guarantee the right toexistence, he designs an economy planned by the state. From this backgroundFichte determines three social classes: the producers, the craftsmen and thebusinessmen. However, finally the original relationship of mutual recognitiongets lost, a relationship which right was meant to protect.


Fichte, Right, Recognition, Existence, State

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