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On Parks, Squares and Oases: an Exploration ofn the Political Spaces in Hannah Arendt

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1. Title Title of document On Parks, Squares and Oases: an Exploration ofn the Political Spaces in Hannah Arendt
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Edgar Straehle; University of Barcelona; Spain
3. Subject Discipline(s) Political philosophy; political theory
3. Subject Keyword(s) Hannah Arendt; Space; Power; Violence; Agora
3. Subject Subject classification 720704
4. Description Abstract In this paper, I will explore the interpretation of space in Hannah Arendt’s thinking. For this purpose, I will examine the narrow relationship between space and power and I will take as an example the occupation and appropriation of People’s Park in Berkeley, which Arendt mentioned in On Violence. Afterwards, I will analyse how the reaction of the authorities focused their efforts on the recuperation of the occupied park, which turned into a space of power, and how they tried to reduce the protesters to impotence. In the third section, I will develop what Arendt understands by “desert” and “oasis” and I will explain why, according to this thinker, she considered that our world was threatened by a process of desertification that suppresses the political. Finally, I will show that political spaces depend on their relational dimension and cannot be merely identified with only one kind of spaces.
5. Publisher Organizing agency, location Universidad Complutense de Madrid
6. Contributor Sponsor(s) The present article has been carried out within the framework of the research project "Transmission from Female Philosophical Thinking" (FFI2015-63828-P, MINECO / FEDER, UE) and GRC "Creació i pensament de les dones" (2014 SGR44)
7. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2017-06-30
8. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article
8. Type Type
9. Format File format PDF (Español), HTML (Español)
10. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier
11. Source Title; vol., no. (year) Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy; Vol 6, No 10 (2017): January-June
12. Language English=en es
13. Relation Supp. Files
14. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)
15. Rights Copyright and permissions Copyright (c) 2017
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