Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy

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The reception of submissions is permanent and independent of the thematic proposals of the dossiers. All articles must be thematically covered in the editorial policy. Two issues per year are published.

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The Journal Las Torres de Lucca, continuing its goal of becoming an open and free magazine, has incorporated the section "Dossier". This section is meant to publish compilations of articles on a specific topic proposed by the dossier coordinator.

N° 16 (January-June 2020): Cornelius Castoriadis. A philosopher to think about the present.

N° 17 (July-December 2020): Feminist Political Theory: Tensions, Dilemmas and Debates.

N° 18 (January-June 2021): To be announced shortly

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Vol 8, No 15 (2019): JULY-DECEMBER

Dossier: Modernity as a Historical Experience and its Crises. Alternative Courses, Theoretical Approaches and Repercussions on Contemporary Thought.

Published: 1/7/2019

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Cover Page


Dante Ramaglia
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Modernity and conquest. The awakening of fundamental rights and international law in Francisco de Vitoria
Juan Ignacio Arias Krause
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Goethe’s Faust and the Tragedy of Modernity
Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Fernández-Fígares
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Passing limits. The personal and the political in feminism
Gemma del Olmo Campillo
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The Crisis of Modernity in The Works of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss. Differences That Clarify Common Problems.
Dolores Amat
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The Experience of Modernity. Shock and Melancholy in Walter Benjamin
Natalia Taccetta
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Crisis, Transhumanism and Historical Agency: Beyond the Paradoxes of Anxiety
Cecilia Macon
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On Modernity and Colonialism. Supplementary Notes on a Relationship
Alejandro José De Oto
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José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado, María Haydeé García Bravo
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Two critical theories about modernity in the Latin American context: Bolívar Echeverría and Enrique Dussel
Dante Ramaglia
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Book Reviews

Fricker, Miranda (2017). Injusticia epistémica (Ricardo García Pérez, Trad.). Barcelona, CT: Herder. 300 p.
María Victoria Pérez Monterroso
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Ravecca, Paulo. (2019). The Politics of Political Science. Re-Writing Latin American Experiences. New York, Estados Unidos de América: Routledge. 275 p.
David Cardozo Santiago
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Capizzi, Antonio. (2018). Heráclito y su leyenda: propuesta de una lectura diferente de los fragmentos (José Mª Villoria Losada, Trad.). Zaragoza, AR: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. 210 p.
Irene Fernández Cano
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