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Issue Title
Vol 6, No 10 (2017): January-June On Parks, Squares and Oases: an Exploration ofn the Political Spaces in Hannah Arendt Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Edgar Straehle
Vol 1, No 1 (2012): July-December On the Importance of Getting Things Done Abstract   PDF (Español)
Jane Mansbridge
Vol 6, No 11 (2017): July-December On the Intellectual Movement in Turkey through Gramsci and Luxemburg Abstract   PDF   HTML
Sevgi Doğan
Vol 4, No 7 (2015): July-December On the understanding of history in Marx. The prospects of Ernesto Laclau and Jürgen Habermas on the development of the productive forces. Abstract   PDF (Español)
Matías Cristobo
Vol 2, No 3 (2013): July-December Political and Impolitical: Two Perspectives to Rethink the Common and the Political in Contemporary Thought Abstract   PDF
Matías Leandro Saidel
Vol 6, No 10 (2017): January-June Political inaction as a community of knowledge: a reading of Filon’s The contemplative life Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Emmanuel Taub
Vol 5, No 9 (2016): July-December Politics, Religion and Foundation in Machiavelli. A Reading from the Origins of Rome Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Agustin Volco
Vol 6, No 11 (2017): July-December Populism and Passive Revolution. About “The Uses of Gramsci” in Latin America Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Pablo Pizzorno
Vol 6, No 10 (2017): January-June Power, Soft or Deep? An Attempt at Constructive Criticism Abstract   PDF   HTML
Peter Baumann, Gisela Cramer
Vol 2, No 2 (2013): January-June ROIG, ARTURO E.; Vermeren, Patrice; et. al. Repensando el siglo XIX desde América latina y Francia: Homenaje al filósofo Arturo A. Roig. Compilado por Marisa Muñoz y Patrice Vermeren. Buenos Aires: Colihue, 2009 Abstract   PDF (Español)
Diego A. Fernández Peychaux
Vol 4, No 6 (2015): Rousseau and Liberalism. About a Possible Discourse for the Knowledge and the Transformation of Man. Abstract   PDF (Español)
Pablo Martín Méndez
Vol 5, No 9 (2016): July-December Schmitt’s Hobbes, Hobbes’s Schmitt Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Étienne Balibar, Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas (Trad.)
Vol 4, No 7 (2015): July-December Some keys to reread authority. Abstract   PDF (Español)
Edgar Straehle
Vol 4, No 7 (2015): July-December Sovereignty, cruelty and biopolitics. Notes about Ayotzinapa Abstract   PDF (Español)
Natalia Elizabeth Talavera Baby
Vol 4, No 7 (2015): July-December State Abstract   PDF (Español)
Hermann Heller, Sergio Raúl Castaño
Vol 5, No 9 (2016): July-December Subliminal Government: Secret Lessons from Hobbes’s Theory of Images, Representations and Politics Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Johan Tralau, Javier Vázquez Prieto (Trad.)
Vol 2, No 2 (2013): January-June Terrorism, Hegel, Honneth Abstract   PDF
Sinkwan Cheng
Vol 5, No 9 (2016): July-December The Antilogy in the Iuspositivism and the Iusnaturalism in Thomas Hobbes Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Patricia Nakayama
Vol 3, No 4 (2014): January-June The Criticism of Hegelian Mediation in Kierkegaard's Second Volume of Enter-Eller (Either/Or). A Social Critique? Abstract   PDF (Español)
Eduardo Assalone
Vol 3, No 5 (2014): July-December The Democratic Invention. A Reading of Lefort. Abstract   PDF (Español)
Matías Sirczuk
Vol 6, No 10 (2017): January-June The discourse of social movements as a place for thinking political conflict Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Carlos A. Manrique Ospina
Vol 2, No 2 (2013): January-June The Happy Gardener: on populism, democracy and specters Abstract   PDF (Español)
Julián A. Melo
Vol 4, No 7 (2015): July-December The image of the waste. Towards an analysis of the esthetics of the body, the missing and the body as waste Abstract   PDF (Español)
Roberto Carlos Monroy Álvarez, Laksmi Adyani de Mora Martínez
Vol 5, No 8 (2016): January-June The Interrelation Between Democracy and Responsibility: The Greek Crisis as a Paradigm Case for the EU Abstract   PDF   HTML
Wolf-Jürgen Cramm
Vol 5, No 9 (2016): July-December The Lover and its Own. A Political Reading of Max Stirner Abstract   PDF (Español)   HTML (Español)
Pedro Guillermo Yagüe
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