Home > Vol 3, No 4 (2014): 141-149 > Eguizábal

Aranguren, the intellectual

José Ignacio Eguizábal


Aranguren’s first document about the intellectual (1959) was already shown as the moral conscience of society. The person in charge to reduce the distance between what it is and what it should be. In 1969 it is pointed out the need of the intellectual to become independent of society to which he belongs to, in order to be able to criticize and generate doubts about it. Likewise, he proposes Democracy as moral. His job as an intellectual in Franco and post-Franco period became fundamental. He understood the events on February 23rd 1981 as the consolidation of Spanish democracy.


democracy, Aranguren, intellectual, moral conscience of society

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Aranguren, José Luis (1969), Memorias y esperanzas españolas, Taurus, Madrid.

Aranguren, José Luis (1975), “Misión transgresiva del intelectual”, en La cultura española y la cultura establecida, Taurus.

Aranguren, José Luis (1994a), “El buen talante”, en Obras Completas, vol. 2, Trotta, Madrid.

Aranguren, José Luis (1994b), “El oficio del intelectual y la crítica de la crítica”, en Obras Completas, Trotta, Madrid.

Aranguren, José Luis (1994c), “La democracia establecida. Una crítica intelectual”, en Obras Completas, vol. 2, Trotta, Madrid.

Aranguren, José Luis (1982) Sobre imagen, identidad y heterodoxia, Taurus, Madrid.

Aranguren, José Luis (1983) España, una meditación política, Ariel, Barcelona.

Aranguren, Felipe; Aranguren, Eduardo (1997), “Nuestro padre”, Isegoría, nº 15.


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