Home > Vol 7, No 12 (2018): 25-40 > Reyes Mate Rupérez

Are the Refugees the “Vanguard of the Peoples”?

Manuel Reyes Mate Rupérez


The question raised by Hannah Arendt on the political meaning of the pariah in his 1943 essay We refugees is still relevant in the 21st Century. Later events as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the birth of the European Union, has not managed to rectify the primacy of citizenship over the human condition. However, following the reflections of Benjamin, Agamben or Semprún, we can find in the figure of pariah the seed of a new universalism and a citizenship without exclusions or national restrictions.


refugee; exile; Arendt; Europe; citizenship; cosmopolitism.


Abstract : 504 vistas. PDF (Español) : 85 vistas. HTML (Español) : 133 vistas.


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