Home > Vol 6, No 10 (2017): 281-284 > Vernazza

Duhamel, Jérémie (2016). Les Vertus de la liberté. Machiavel et la critique de la domination. Paris, Francia: Classiques Garnier. 198 pp.

Diego Vernazza


The blows of history seem, in recent times, to harden. Or it is perhaps the insistent way they have to pile up, one after another, which makes them more acute. Meanwhile, there are breaths, and questions. On how to act politically in this context, on how to sustain the commitment to democratic equality in a world that faces chaos between restoration and conformism.

I thought of that and more after reading the book of Jérémie Duhamel, Les vertus de la liberté. Machiavel et la critique de la domination, recently published in Paris, in Classiques Garnier.


Duhamel, J. (2016). Les Vertus de la liberté. Machiavel et la critique de la domination [Las virtudes de la libertad. Maquiavelo y la crítica de la dominación]. Paris, Francia: Classiques Garnier.

Machiavelli, N. (2011). Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio [Discursos sobre la primera década de Tito Livio]. Milano, Italia: Rizzoli Editori. (Trabajo original publiado 1531).


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