Home > Vol 6, No 11 (2017): 25-42 > Oliver

Gramsci and the Notion of Historical Catharsis. Validity for Latin America

Lucio Oliver


The article exposes an appreciation of the importance of the notion of catharsis of Antonio Gramsci for the political struggle of the subalterns. It is a reflection on the characteristics and conditions that generate an ethical political elevation of the local economic and corporate struggle of the popular sectors as well as the union of political currents of the left around a common project built in the social struggle, project of a universal nature linked to the proposal of a hegemonic alternative, of the constitution of an integral autonomy of these in the perspective of a national and international dispute over ideological political leadership and hegemony. This notion is particularly necessary in Latin America and in Mexico due to the conditions of organic and current political crises and the need for a popular unity before the enthronement of neoliberalism as a form of transnationalized domination that seeks to maintain the subordination of countries to the great powers and large capitals even at the expense of the decomposition of the State and the resort to violence.


Catharsis; Hegemonic Alternative; State Failure; Latin America.


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